VCI Devices

VCI devices add an important dimension to corrosion preventive packaging.

Devices that give off, or emit, VCI compounds protect recessed areas within a package.  VCI devices can be inserted in hard to reach areas. Often, they are used simply to enhance protection by giving a ‘boost’ of available VCI.

In some cases, a VCI pouch or chip can be added to a plain poly bag to provide VCI protection where none existed before.

We offer a range of VCI devices including VCI emitters, VCI chips, VCI powders, and more.

Daubrite® 10GT, 25GT, 50GT VCI Ventilated Box Emitters

Bio-based, nitrite-free corrosion inhibitor effectively protects steel and aluminum.

Convenient, easy-to-use VCI pouch emitters deliver effective corrosion protection to exposed metals inside enclosed spaces.  The nitrite-free, TL8135 and TRGS 615 approved VCI diffuses through the breathable sealed bag to prevent corrosion on the packaged part. It deposits a safe, odorless, effective layer of VCI that disperses immediately upon removal. Perfect for use in voids and recesses inside large or irregularly shaped metal equipment, engines, containers, cabinets, and enclosed spaces. Completely recyclable.

Available in individual 10GT, 25GT and 50GT pouches, and in ventilated boxes that fit popular size shelf compartments. “Date of installation” labels available upon request.

  • Effective on steel, aluminum and copper.
  • Protection lasts up to 12 months when used in a dry, non-aerated environment.

Typical applications:

  • Engines, housings, aluminum castings.
  • Electric vehicle components and sub assemblies.
  • Export packaging of precision machined parts for aerospace applications.


Daubrite® 900 VCI Emitters

Effective on steel, copper, zinc and multi-metal parts

Use one Daubrite 900 emitter for each 900 cu. ft. of space inside a cabinet, crate or box

Daubrite® 900 VCI emitters are compact, easy-to handle, corrosion protection devices designed to protect exposed metals inside packaging environments and enclosures. Each unit delivers odorless, effective corrosion protection to metal surfaces in voids and recesses that are hard to reach, such as in large metal equipment and machinery, and other large metal surface area applications.